Sunday 20 January 2008

Helping in the garden (not)

Al was here again this weekend and has put up some lights along the side alleyway with a sensor. This was the last dark spot and now we have light!

Whilst Al was outside Andy decided to clear the long border of dead plants and flowers from last season. As usual his little helper came along. As you'll see from this little video she isn't really much help, in fact rather more of a hindrance!

Some other little folk wanted to get out and help but they were banned by the head gardener! Becky is much more polite than Niamh and just a little nose peeps out, typical Niamh ... well see for yourself!

1 comment:

  1. :( for some strange reason video wouldn't down load on my 'puta.
    Bett they had gr8 fun in the garden. Andy & Kizzy are like this *crosses 2 fingers very tightly :)
