Thursday 10 June 2010

Catching up ........ Pt V (other little projects)

Other than the studio we have also managed to cross some other long-standing jobs off our list.

I have long wanted a gate on the other end of the alley-way which runs alongside the house. We have a gate between the alley and the front yard and big gates on the front but I am forever having to go out to check that the alley gate is shut when I let the doglets outside. We live on a road which can be busy at times and I am paranoid about my dogs being safe. So at last I have my second gate and it's wonderful. It means I can just glance outside and know that the dogs are secure. Andy made it and it's very nice. At the same time I got him to put a new latch on the garden gate as originally it had a bolt and I was forever taking the skin off my fingers trying to open or close it with one hand.

Another nice outcome of the studio being finished is that I get my lovely little day sitting room back. Andy had been using it as a treatment room for the past six or seven months and it's great to have it back. I am not the only one happy about this!

When we moved in three years ago we replaced all of the front windows but couldn't afford to do the same in the rest of the house even though the windows were in rather poor condition. I hated the window in my bedroom but it just wasn't a priority. It was always on a list to be replaced one day but just kept slipping down as other more important stuff came up. My brother Dan has recently started up a new business offering refurbishment of upvc windows so we decided to give him the job. Basically we have kept the frame but have replaced the plain glass with leaded and put on new handles. The difference is amazing. I would really recommend this as an affordable option to anyone wanting to upgrade who can't afford it but also where the basic frame is sound.

The old handle and plain glass

Smart new handle with leaded light glass

The final job (well almost, it will be complete once the Blind Man has visited today!)

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